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Strategies for Integrating Art and Technology for Effective Communication II

Manual: Professional Development for Teachers of English to Secondary School Diverse Learners: Strategies for Integrating Art and Technology for Effective Communication (2014).

El Centro de Investigaciones de la Universidad de Puerto Rico anuncia la publicación de un nuevo manual de lecciones del proyecto Professional Development for Teachers of English to Secondary School Diverse Learners. Este ha sido auspiciado, en parte, con fondos asignados bajo Título II de No Child Left Behind Act (P.L. 017-110), administrados por el Consejo de Educación de Puerto Rico. Las opiniones recogidas en el manual no necesariamente reflejan la posición o las políticas del Departamento de Educación de los Estados Unidos o las agencias locales. Más detalles en la publicación.

The Educational Research Center of the University of Puerto Rico announces the publication of a new instructional manual from the Professional Development for Teachers of English to Secondary School Diverse Learners project. This project is funded (in part) by a federal Grant under the Title II of the No Child Left Behind Act (P.L. 017-110) administered by the Puerto Rico Education Council. Opinions and findings expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the U.S. Department of Education and local agencies, and no official endorsement by either of these agencies should be inferred.

Professional Development for Teachers of English to Diverse Learners: Strategies for Integrating Art and Technology for Effective Communication, was sponsored by the Center for Educational Research of the College of Education of the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras and the Council of Higher Education of Puerto Rico with funds of No Child Left Behind Law (NCLB-12-03). The purpose of this project was to achieve a high degree competent educator who can implement teaching strategies pertinent to the educational growth of diverse learners. To reach this goal, the project facilitated the professional development of approximately 20 teachers from public and private schools in areas such as visual and performing arts, music, curriculum alignment, state of the art technology, and assessment strategies integrated to the teaching of English to diverse learners for a better academic achievement. This manual includes the lessons designed by project participants which illustrate how to integrate the visual arts, music, and technology to the teaching of English so that students may have the opportunity to learn from those strategies and have practical experience utilizing them.