Domingo, 16 de junio de 2013
El equipo de investigadores de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR) y el Centro de Investigaciones Educativas viajó a Denver, Colorado, donde fue recibido por la Dra. Carmen Sanjurjo. El equipo estuvo constituido por el Dr. Edwin Vega Milán, Decano Asociado de Asuntos Académicos de la Facultad de Educación, la Dra. Annette López de Méndez, directora del Centro de Investigaciones Educativas, el Dr. Víctor Bonilla Rodríguez y la Dra. Claudia Alvarez Romero, del Programa de INEVA del Departamento de Estudios Graduados de dicha facultad. La Dra. Sanjurjo llevó a los especialistas al hotel Marriott Spring Hill Suites, hospedería de la Escuela Hotelera de la Metropolitan State University (MSU), campus de Auraria.
Documento: Faculty Exchange Schedule 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013

A team of researchers from the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) and the Educational Research Center, arrived at Denver, Colorado, where they were received by Dr. Carmen Sanjurjo. The team included Dr. Edwin Vega-Milan, Dean of Academic Affairs of the College of Education, Dr. Annette Lopez-Mendez, Director of the Educational Research Center, Dr. Victor Bonilla-Rodriguez and Dr. Claudia Alvarez-Romero, of the INEVA Program, Department of Graduate Studies. Dr. Sanjurjo took the team to their lodging at the Marriott Spring Hill Suites, a hotel which is part of the Department of Hospitality, Tourism and Event at the Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU), Auraria Campus.