Educational Policy and its Impact on Teacher Preparation and Evaluation in the United States and Puerto Rico (June 15, 2016)
Dr. Peter Vigil
Un taller desarrollado para entender la “Every Student Succeeds Act“ (ESSA).
Los participantes serán capaces de identificar diferencias importantes en las políticas prescritas de ESSA en comparación con el anterior “No Child Left Behind”, además desarrollarán un entendimiento sobre el impacto potencial de ESSA en la preparación y la evaluación de los maestros en los EE.UU. y Puerto Rico.
The workshop is designed to have a comprehensive understanding of the “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA). Participants will be able to identify important differences in the prescribed policies of ESSA in comparison to the previous “No-Child Left Behind Act”, and develop an understanding on the potential impact of ESSA on teacher preparation and teacher evaluation in both the U. S. and Puerto Rico